A Season of Gratitude, Part 3
The last thing I wanted to address in our Season of Gratitude series is that our young man’s parents were told to expect him to fall...

A Season of Gratitude, Part 2
Following up where we last left off, we were talking about how we helped a young man’s parents with advice on “building a brain" for...

A Season of Gratitude, Part 1
I was lucky enough to spend the first part of my Holiday Season with family this year. I always, except for last year, was able to spend...

It Takes Two, by Richard Gringeri, DC
There is a song called, It Takes Two, by Rob Base. It starts out with the lyrics: “It takes two to make a thing go right.” It is a very...

Shut Your Mouth, by Richard Gringeri D.C.
In Oregon, Chiropractors can deliver babies, set broken bones and do minor surgery. When I first began practicing, in the State of...

The Zinc Blog
Zinc is a vitamin nutrient that serves a variety of functions in your body. It's important to note that your body doesn't synthesize it's...

What Does Health Mean to You?
Health, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) is defined as a "state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and...

A Healthy Labor Day
Labor Day is right around the corner and while we want everyone to get some much needed R and R, there's no reason your vacation weekend...

Study Proves Nerve Pressure Leads to Diseased Organs
A medical study has proven that nerve pressure caused by spinal misalignment leads to diseased organs. Here you'll read a factual study...

Chiropractic and Immunity
We've talked about immune boosters and ways to up your immunity before - but what about chiropractic care's efficacy? Does getting...