Healthy Spine, Healthy Brain
Take advantage of our HOLIDAY SPECIALS! The electroencephalogram (EEG) is a recording of the electrical activity of the brain from the...

The Bottom Line - Diabetes is the 5th Leading Cause of Death in the United States
After spending billions of dollars on Diabetes research, United States citizens are reeling from an epidemic raging out of control with...

The Ultimate Type 2 Diabetes Solution - Book Excerpt #1, Author: Dr. Richard F. Gringeri
Common sense solutions that can save your life and solve the Type 2 diabetes epidemic Excerpt from Chapter 1: What Does a Chiropractor...

Does Getting Regular Adjustments Really Make a Difference for Your Health?
We've talked about immune boosters and ways to up your immunity before - but what about chiropractic care's efficacy? Does getting...

Anti-Aging: Studies Prove Nerve Pressure Leads to Diseased Organs
Several medical studies have proven that nerve pressure caused by spinal misalignment leads to diseased organs. Here you'll read a...

Anti-Aging, Just For the Health of it!
Americans are living longer now than ever before. What is of ultimate importance with our increased longevity is our quality of life....

Complications From Type 2 Diabetes - Should I Be Worried?
We all know Type 2 diabetes can hurt: emotionally, mentally and obviously physically. Diabetes causes issues, but some of us may not be...

New Book Release!
I am very pleased to announce the publication of my new book "The Ultimate Type 2 Diabetes Solution - Hidden right under your MD's nose"....

Vitamin C and a Healthy Heart
Heart health doesn't have to be a chamber of secrets leading to concern and worry. Your heart pulses over 100,000 times a day and each...

The Minus 9 Club - Losing 9lbs in the New Year
Did you know that Americans gain an average of 9 pounds between Thanksgiving and New Years? Here's your chance to drop those Lbs that you...