What Does Health Mean to You?

Health, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) is defined as a "state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease..." and we tend to agree with that assessment here at the Human Engine Clinic. What kind of care can you expect to keep you at your healthiest at HEC?

Chiropractic Care
Dr. Gringeri's specialty of chiropractic is not just limited to aches and pains. He has had wonderful success rehabilitating stroke patients and working through illness and injury to improve the physical health of victims of accidents like workplace injury and auto collisions. With nearly 40 years of exceptional chiropractic experience, patients feel comfortable with his tendency to consider the whole picture and even has a program using neurological protocols that dramatically improves function for patients with Parkinsons disease.
As a digestive specialist and board-eligible chiropractic neurologist, Dr. Gringer the has combined skills to diagnose and prescribe corrective therapies to optimize his patients' digestive capabilities. From nutritional analysis to in-depth consideration of diet and lifestyle, Dr. G looks at your entire GI profile and assesses with great success how to help you improve. This has great impact on your energy levels as well as those all-important numbers: glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol.

Diabetes Education

With his unique "Human Engine" treatment approach in which the body is envisioned as a true to life engine involving oxygen and
fuel and a spark, he has now effectively worked with Type 2 diabetics to help them to
stabilize their glucose levels in a normal range so their MD can reduce their medications. This includes patients on insulin and multiple drugs for 30 years. There really isn't a point where the HEC method cannot help. With educational seminars and a new book soon to come out, Dr. G looks forward to helping and informing more people about the efficacy of diabetes, cholesterol and blood pressure meds and improving the health of those with these conditions around the globe.
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