Free Immune Booster

Here is an easy and Free way to boost your immunity and relieve stress at the same time while we are all following the order to Shelter in Place. You can protect yourself and make sure that you're getting vital nutrients you need. Bonus!
First, let's focus on what our bodies need to stay healthy. It seems like everyone is busy looking for things they can do to stay healthy and safe. One thing I really enjoy right now is seeing my neighbors out walking and playing with their kids. Some of you, however, may not be as mobile or may not want to expose yourself as much by being out and about. How easy would it be if the best thing you can do RIGHT NOW is to boost your immunity at home naturally and for free?
Studies show an inextricable link between Vitamin D and the body's immune system. "The implications of vitamin D deficiency on the immune system have become clearer in recent years and in the context of vitamin D deficiency, there appears to be an increased susceptibility to infection..." Read More
Vitamin D and the Immune System
Cynthia Aranow, MD, Investigator
Upwards of 40% of Americans are Deficient in Vitamin D
Americans (especially over age 65) are experiencing deficiencies at record highs. Vitamin D deficiency can manifest itself in any number of ways, but primarily those that are not getting enough suffer from depression, mood swings, skin conditions and lack of energy. You're probably already dealing with general moodiness due to being stuck inside for so long, so a lack of key nutrients will definitely not help!
How can I get more of this essential vitamin and boost my immunity? I like to recommend 10-45 minutes of direct sun exposure for my patients. Start with a small amount, and move up to an average of 20-30 minutes daily when the sun is at it's apex in the sky (11am-3pm). Fairer skinned people may opt for a shorter duration, and darker skinned patients will need a longer exposure period for the body to fully produce the Vitamin D it needs to stay healthy and happy.
How easy is that? It's almost a mini-vacation on your patio! Take a moment, unwind, appreciate the newfound stillness of your community and soak up the sun. Please though, make sure to speak to your primary care physician prior to increased sun exposure! Some medications may be compromised, so checking with your PCP is always recommended.
If you are not able to get good old natural sunlight, that's OK! We offer high quality Vitamin D3 supplements in the clinic or you can get it at your local health food store, so don't worry if outdoor time is just not in your future.
If you're able to exercise outside that is a great option! We want to make sure that our oxygen levels are not depleted by sitting all day, so get out there, get in the sun and take some deep breaths!
We Will Get Through This
As always, we will continue to see emergency patients and those on current programs. We practice safe sanitary practices to keep you and our staff safe. Please do not hesitate to call or email if you have chiropractic or nutritional needs! We make a firm practice of one patient in the clinic at a time and thoroughly sanitize all equipment and surfaces between patients to prevent cross contamination along with having all staff wear proper personal protective equipment,
Don't get stuck without your vitamins! We are also available for you to place orders remotely for supplements like enzymes and vitamins. A multivitamin is a must in these times as fresh, whole food can be difficult to come across while sheltering.
We are here for you, so feel free to drop us a line at or give us a call directly at 408-984-7444 with thoughts, comments, concerns or questions.

Richard F. Gringeri, DC